| For CU: Kaylin Korte; Ally Gamble; Caroline Pearson; Keely Hayes; Megan McGinley; Jaden Light; libero Madi Howell. |
| For AU: McIlroy, Brenna; Beasley, Karis; White, Shaina; Jones, Gwyn; Stevenson, Anna; Filley, Alexa; libero Earl, Jesse. |
0-1 | Point CU - (Filley, Alexa) Kill by Keely Hayes (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
1-1 | Point AU - (Madi Howell) Kill by Jones, Gwyn (from Filley, Alexa), block error by Kaylin Korte. | so |
2-1 | Point AU - (Earl, Jesse) Kill by McIlroy, Brenna (from Filley, Alexa). |
3-1 | Point AU - (Earl, Jesse) Attack error by Kaylin Korte. |
3-2 | Point CU - (Earl, Jesse) Kill by Kaylin Korte (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
| For CU: Emily Curtis; Keely Hayes. |
4-2 | Point AU - (Emily Curtis) Kill by Jones, Gwyn (from Filley, Alexa), block error by Kaylin Korte. | so |
| For AU: White, Payton; Jones, Gwyn; Reece, Macy; Beasley, Karis. |
5-2 | Point AU - (White, Payton) Kill by Reece, Macy (from Earl, Jesse). |
6-2 | Point AU - (White, Payton) Attack error by Kaylin Korte. |
6-3 | Point CU - (White, Payton) Service error. | so |
| For CU: Kailey Harvell; Ally Gamble. |
7-3 | Point AU - (Kaylin Korte) Attack error by Kailey Harvell. | so |
8-3 | Point AU - (McIlroy, Brenna) Kill by White, Shaina (from Filley, Alexa). |
8-4 | Point CU - (McIlroy, Brenna) Kill by Megan McGinley (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
9-4 | Point AU - (Megan McGinley) Kill by White, Shaina (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
9-5 | Point CU - (White, Shaina) Kill by Kailey Harvell (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
| For CU: Keely Hayes; Emily Curtis. |
10-5 | Point AU - (Caroline Pearson) Kill by Filley, Alexa (from White, Payton). | so |
| For AU: Jones, Gwyn; White, Payton; Beasley, Karis; Reece, Macy. |
10-6 | Point CU - (Beasley, Karis) Service error. | so |
| For CU: Ally Gamble; Kailey Harvell. |
10-7 | Point CU - (Ally Gamble) Kill by Kaylin Korte (from Caroline Pearson). |
11-7 | Point AU - (Ally Gamble) Kill by Stevenson, Anna (from Filley, Alexa), block error by Keely Hayes. | so |
12-7 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Kill by Stevenson, Anna (from Filley, Alexa). |
| Timeout Clemson. |
13-7 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Attack error by Keely Hayes. |
14-7 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Ball handling error by Caroline Pearson. |
15-7 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Kill by Jones, Gwyn (from Earl, Jesse). |
| Clemson coach challenges that the ball was out - call confirmed |
16-7 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Kill by Jones, Gwyn (from Filley, Alexa). |
17-7 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Service ace (Ally Gamble). |
| Timeout Clemson. |
| For AU: Crable, Courtney; McIlroy, Brenna. |
18-7 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Attack error by Jaden Light. |
19-7 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Ball handling error by Caroline Pearson. |
20-7 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Attack error by Keely Hayes (block by Stevenson, Anna; Crable, Courtney). |
| For CU: Alyssa Deloney; Keely Hayes. |
20-8 | Point CU - (Filley, Alexa) Kill by Kaylin Korte (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
20-9 | Point CU - (Madi Howell) Attack error by Stevenson, Anna. |
20-10 | Point CU - (Madi Howell) Kill by Megan McGinley (from Caroline Pearson). |
20-11 | Point CU - (Madi Howell) Kill by Kaylin Korte (from Madi Howell). |
20-12 | Point CU - (Madi Howell) Attack error by Stevenson, Anna. |
| Timeout Auburn. |
20-13 | Point CU - (Madi Howell) Kill by Kaylin Korte (from Caroline Pearson). |
20-14 | Point CU - (Madi Howell) Service ace (Beasley, Karis). |
20-15 | Point CU - (Madi Howell) Attack error by Crable, Courtney (block by Alyssa Deloney; Megan McGinley; Kaylin Korte). |
20-16 | Point CU - (Madi Howell) Attack error by Crable, Courtney (block by Alyssa Deloney; Megan McGinley). |
| Timeout Auburn. |
20-17 | Point CU - (Madi Howell) Attack error by Crable, Courtney. |
20-18 | Point CU - (Madi Howell) Attack error by Stevenson, Anna (block by Alyssa Deloney; Megan McGinley). |
21-18 | Point AU - (Madi Howell) Kill by Crable, Courtney (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
22-18 | Point AU - (Earl, Jesse) Kill by Jones, Gwyn (from Filley, Alexa). |
23-18 | Point AU - (Earl, Jesse) Attack error by Alyssa Deloney (block by Crable, Courtney; White, Shaina). |
24-18 | Point AU - (Earl, Jesse) Attack error by Megan McGinley (block by White, Shaina). |
24-19 | Point CU - (Earl, Jesse) Kill by Kaylin Korte (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
| For CU: Emily Curtis; Alyssa Deloney. |
25-19 | Point AU - (Emily Curtis) Kill by White, Shaina (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
| For CU: Caroline Pearson; Jaden Light; Kaylin Korte; Megan McGinley; Ally Gamble; Alyssa Deloney; libero Madi Howell. |
| For AU: Filley, Alexa; Jones, Gwyn; White, Shaina; McIlroy, Brenna; Stevenson, Anna; Beasley, Karis; libero Earl, Jesse. |
1-0 | Point AU - (Ally Gamble) Service error. | so |
2-0 | Point AU - (Earl, Jesse) Kill by White, Shaina (from Filley, Alexa). |
3-0 | Point AU - (Earl, Jesse) Kill by McIlroy, Brenna. |
3-1 | Point CU - (Earl, Jesse) Kill by Alyssa Deloney. | so |
3-2 | Point CU - (Madi Howell) Attack error by Jones, Gwyn. |
3-3 | Point CU - (Madi Howell) Attack error by Jones, Gwyn. |
3-4 | Point CU - (Madi Howell) Attack error by White, Shaina (block by Alyssa Deloney). |
3-5 | Point CU - (Madi Howell) Attack error by McIlroy, Brenna. |
4-5 | Point AU - (Madi Howell) Kill by White, Shaina (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
| For AU: White, Payton; Jones, Gwyn; Reece, Macy; Beasley, Karis. |
4-6 | Point CU - (White, Payton) Kill by Megan McGinley (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
| For CU: Emily Curtis; Alyssa Deloney. |
5-6 | Point AU - (Emily Curtis) Kill by McIlroy, Brenna (from Filley, Alexa), block error by Kaylin Korte. | so |
6-6 | Point AU - (McIlroy, Brenna) Service ace (TEAM). |
6-7 | Point CU - (McIlroy, Brenna) Kill by Megan McGinley (from Caroline Pearson), block error by Reece, Macy. | so |
| For CU: Kailey Harvell; Ally Gamble. |
6-8 | Point CU - (Kaylin Korte) Kill by Kailey Harvell (from Caroline Pearson). |
7-8 | Point AU - (Kaylin Korte) Kill by Filley, Alexa (from Earl, Jesse). | so |
8-8 | Point AU - (White, Shaina) Attack error by Caroline Pearson. |
8-9 | Point CU - (White, Shaina) Kill by Megan McGinley (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
9-9 | Point AU - (Megan McGinley) Kill by Reece, Macy (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
| For AU: Jones, Gwyn; White, Payton; Beasley, Karis; Reece, Macy. |
9-10 | Point CU - (Beasley, Karis) Attack error by Jones, Gwyn. | so |
| For CU: Alyssa Deloney; Emily Curtis. |
9-11 | Point CU - (Caroline Pearson) Attack error by Jones, Gwyn. |
10-11 | Point AU - (Caroline Pearson) Kill by Jones, Gwyn (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
11-11 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Kill by Stevenson, Anna. |
11-12 | Point CU - (Filley, Alexa) Service error. | so |
| For CU: Ally Gamble; Kailey Harvell. |
12-12 | Point AU - (Ally Gamble) Kill by McIlroy, Brenna (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
13-12 | Point AU - (Earl, Jesse) Attack error by Alyssa Deloney. |
14-12 | Point AU - (Earl, Jesse) Attack error by Kaylin Korte. |
| Timeout Clemson. |
14-13 | Point CU - (Earl, Jesse) Kill by Jaden Light (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
15-13 | Point AU - (Madi Howell) Kill by Jones, Gwyn (from Filley, Alexa), block error by Kaylin Korte. | so |
| For AU: White, Payton; Jones, Gwyn; Reece, Macy; Beasley, Karis. |
16-13 | Point AU - (White, Payton) Attack error by Kaylin Korte. |
16-14 | Point CU - (White, Payton) Kill by Megan McGinley (from Caroline Pearson), block error by Reece, Macy. | so |
| For CU: Emily Curtis; Alyssa Deloney. |
17-14 | Point AU - (Emily Curtis) Kill by White, Shaina (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
18-14 | Point AU - (McIlroy, Brenna) Attack error by Megan McGinley. |
18-15 | Point CU - (McIlroy, Brenna) Kill by Kaylin Korte (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
| For CU: Kailey Harvell; Ally Gamble. |
19-15 | Point AU - (Kaylin Korte) Attack error by Megan McGinley (block by White, Shaina; Reece, Macy). | so |
19-16 | Point CU - (White, Shaina) Kill by Kailey Harvell (from Caroline Pearson), block error by Stevenson, Anna. | so |
20-16 | Point AU - (Megan McGinley) Kill by Reece, Macy (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
| For AU: Jones, Gwyn; White, Payton; Beasley, Karis; Reece, Macy. |
20-17 | Point CU - (Beasley, Karis) Kill by Kailey Harvell (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
| For CU: Alyssa Deloney; Emily Curtis. |
21-17 | Point AU - (Caroline Pearson) Kill by Jones, Gwyn (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
22-17 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Attack error by Kailey Harvell (block by Jones, Gwyn). |
| Timeout Clemson. |
23-17 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Kill by Jones, Gwyn (from Filley, Alexa), block error by Jaden Light. |
23-18 | Point CU - (Filley, Alexa) Kill by Jaden Light (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
| For CU: Ally Gamble; Kailey Harvell. |
24-18 | Point AU - (Ally Gamble) Kill by Stevenson, Anna (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
25-18 | Point AU - (Earl, Jesse) Attack error by Jaden Light. |
| For AU: Jones, Gwyn; Beasley, Karis; White, Shaina; Stevenson, Anna; Filley, Alexa; McIlroy, Brenna; libero Earl, Jesse. |
| For CU: Kaylin Korte; Megan McGinley; Jaden Light; Caroline Pearson; Emily Curtis; Kailey Harvell; libero Madi Howell. |
1-0 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Attack error by Kailey Harvell. |
1-1 | Point CU - (Filley, Alexa) Attack error by Stevenson, Anna. | so |
2-1 | Point AU - (Megan McGinley) Kill by McIlroy, Brenna (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
3-1 | Point AU - (Earl, Jesse) Kill by Jones, Gwyn (from Filley, Alexa). |
4-1 | Point AU - (Earl, Jesse) Kill by Jones, Gwyn (from Filley, Alexa). |
5-1 | Point AU - (Earl, Jesse) Kill by McIlroy, Brenna (from Earl, Jesse). |
6-1 | Point AU - (Earl, Jesse) Service ace (Emily Curtis). |
| Timeout Clemson. |
6-2 | Point CU - (Earl, Jesse) Service error. | so |
| For CU: Alyssa Deloney; Emily Curtis. |
7-2 | Point AU - (Caroline Pearson) Kill by White, Shaina (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
| For AU: White, Payton; Jones, Gwyn; Reece, Macy; Beasley, Karis. |
7-3 | Point CU - (White, Payton) Service error. | so |
| For CU: Ally Gamble; Kailey Harvell. |
8-3 | Point AU - (Ally Gamble) Service error. | so |
8-4 | Point CU - (McIlroy, Brenna) Kill by Kaylin Korte (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
9-4 | Point AU - (Madi Howell) Kill by Filley, Alexa (from McIlroy, Brenna). | so |
9-5 | Point CU - (White, Shaina) Kill by Alyssa Deloney (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
| For CU: Emily Curtis; Alyssa Deloney. |
10-5 | Point AU - (Emily Curtis) Kill by McIlroy, Brenna (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
| For AU: Jones, Gwyn; White, Payton; Beasley, Karis; Reece, Macy. |
10-6 | Point CU - (Beasley, Karis) Kill by Megan McGinley (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
| For CU: Kailey Harvell; Ally Gamble. |
11-6 | Point AU - (Kaylin Korte) Kill by Filley, Alexa (from Earl, Jesse). | so |
12-6 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Kill by Jones, Gwyn (from Filley, Alexa). |
13-6 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Attack error by Kailey Harvell (block by Stevenson, Anna; Jones, Gwyn). |
| For CU: Tori Woogk; Emily Curtis. |
14-6 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Kill by McIlroy, Brenna (from Earl, Jesse). |
| Timeout Clemson. |
15-6 | Point AU - (Filley, Alexa) Kill by McIlroy, Brenna (from Earl, Jesse). |
15-7 | Point CU - (Filley, Alexa) Service error. | so |
15-8 | Point CU - (Megan McGinley) Kill by Kailey Harvell (from Caroline Pearson). |
16-8 | Point AU - (Megan McGinley) Kill by McIlroy, Brenna (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
16-9 | Point CU - (Earl, Jesse) Kill by Kailey Harvell (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
| For CU: Alyssa Deloney; Tori Woogk. |
17-9 | Point AU - (Caroline Pearson) Service error. | so |
| For AU: White, Payton; Jones, Gwyn; Reece, Macy; Beasley, Karis. |
17-10 | Point CU - (White, Payton) Kill by Alyssa Deloney (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
| For CU: Ally Gamble; Kailey Harvell. |
17-11 | Point CU - (Ally Gamble) Kill by Jaden Light (from Caroline Pearson). |
17-12 | Point CU - (Ally Gamble) Kill by Alyssa Deloney (from Caroline Pearson). |
18-12 | Point AU - (Ally Gamble) Kill by McIlroy, Brenna (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
18-13 | Point CU - (McIlroy, Brenna) Kill by Kaylin Korte (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
19-13 | Point AU - (Madi Howell) Kill by White, Shaina (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
20-13 | Point AU - (White, Shaina) Kill by McIlroy, Brenna (from Filley, Alexa). |
20-14 | Point CU - (White, Shaina) Kill by Kaylin Korte (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
| For CU: Tori Woogk; Alyssa Deloney. |
20-15 | Point CU - (Tori Woogk) Kill by Kaylin Korte (from Caroline Pearson). |
21-15 | Point AU - (Tori Woogk) Kill by Filley, Alexa. | so |
| For AU: Jones, Gwyn; White, Payton; Beasley, Karis; Reece, Macy. |
22-15 | Point AU - (Beasley, Karis) Attack error by Megan McGinley (block by Stevenson, Anna; Jones, Gwyn). |
22-16 | Point CU - (Beasley, Karis) Kill by Kaylin Korte (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
| For CU: Kailey Harvell; Ally Gamble. |
22-17 | Point CU - (Kaylin Korte) Kill by Megan McGinley (from Caroline Pearson). |
23-17 | Point AU - (Kaylin Korte) Kill by McIlroy, Brenna (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
23-18 | Point CU - (Filley, Alexa) Kill by Kailey Harvell (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
24-18 | Point AU - (Megan McGinley) Kill by McIlroy, Brenna (from Filley, Alexa). | so |
24-19 | Point CU - (Earl, Jesse) Kill by Kailey Harvell (from Caroline Pearson). | so |
| For CU: Alyssa Deloney; Tori Woogk. |
24-20 | Point CU - (Caroline Pearson) Kill by Kailey Harvell (from Madi Howell). |
25-20 | Point AU - (Caroline Pearson) Kill by Jones, Gwyn (from Filley, Alexa). | so |