Season Game Highs |
At bats: | 39 | - | at South Carolina (Feb 28, 2020) |
39 | - | vs Winthrop (Mar 11, 2020) | |
Runs scored: | 12 | - | vs Boston College (Mar 07, 2020) |
12 | - | vs Presbyterian College (Mar 10, 2020) | |
Hits: | 14 | - | vs Boston College (Mar 07, 2020) |
RBIs: | 12 | - | vs Presbyterian College (Mar 10, 2020) |
Doubles: | 4 | - | vs Boston College (Mar 08, 2020) |
Triples: | 1 | - | vs Stony Brook (Feb 21, 2020) |
1 | - | at South Carolina (Feb 28, 2020) | |
Home runs: | 3 | - | at South Carolina (Feb 28, 2020) |
Total bases: | 25 | - | at South Carolina (Feb 28, 2020) |
Walks: | 8 | - | vs Boston College (Mar 08, 2020) |
Strikeouts: | 12 | - | at South Carolina (Feb 28, 2020) |
Sac hits: | 2 | - | vs Furman (Feb 19, 2020) |
Sac flies: | 2 | - | vs Furman (Feb 19, 2020) |
2 | - | vs South Carolina (Mar 01, 2020) | |
Stolen bases: | 4 | - | vs Stony Brook (Feb 21, 2020) |
4 | - | vs Stony Brook (Feb 23, 2020) | |
Hit by pitch: | 3 | - | vs Stony Brook (Feb 22, 2020) |
Caught stealing: | 1 | - | (5 times ) |
Runners LOB: | 11 | - | vs Liberty (Feb 14, 2020) |
11 | - | vs Boston College (Mar 08, 2020) | |
Hit into DP: | 2 | - | (7 times ) |
Putouts: | 33 | - | vs Winthrop (Mar 11, 2020) |
Assists: | 15 | - | vs Winthrop (Mar 11, 2020) |
Errors: | 4 | - | vs Liberty (Feb 14, 2020) |
4 | - | vs Boston College (Mar 06, 2020) | |
Passed balls: | 1 | - | vs Liberty (Feb 16, 2020) |
1 | - | vs South Carolina (Feb 29, 2020 at Columbia, S.C.) | |
DPs turned: | 2 | - | vs Boston College (Mar 08, 2020) |
2 | - | vs Winthrop (Mar 11, 2020) |
Innings pitched: | 11.0 | - | vs Winthrop (Mar 11, 2020) |
Runs allowed: | 11 | - | vs Coll. of Charleston (Mar 04, 2020) |
Earned runs: | 11 | - | vs Coll. of Charleston (Mar 04, 2020) |
Walks allowed: | 11 | - | vs Liberty (Feb 14, 2020) |
Strikeouts: | 19 | - | vs Stony Brook (Feb 21, 2020) |
Hits allowed: | 14 | - | vs East Tennessee State (Feb 25, 2020) |
14 | - | vs Boston College (Mar 08, 2020) | |
Doubles allowed: | 3 | - | vs Boston College (Mar 06, 2020) |
3 | - | vs Boston College (Mar 08, 2020) | |
Triples allowed: | 1 | - | vs South Carolina (Feb 29, 2020 at Columbia, S.C.) |
1 | - | vs Boston College (Mar 07, 2020) | |
Homers allowed: | 3 | - | vs Coll. of Charleston (Mar 04, 2020) |
Wild pitches: | 1 | - | (5 times ) |
Hit batters: | 3 | - | vs Stony Brook (Feb 21, 2020) |
At bats: | 5 | - | (17 times ) |
Runs scored: | 3 | - | Chad Fairey vs Boston College (Mar 07, 2020) |
Hits: | 4 | - | Kier Meredith vs East Tennessee State (Feb 25, 2020) |
4 | - | Kier Meredith at South Carolina (Feb 28, 2020) | |
RBIs: | 5 | - | Davis Sharpe vs Presbyterian College (Mar 10, 2020) |
Doubles: | 2 | - | Dylan Brewer vs Boston College (Mar 08, 2020) |
Triples: | 1 | - | Sam Hall vs Stony Brook (Feb 21, 2020) |
1 | - | Bryar Hawkins at South Carolina (Feb 28, 2020) | |
Home runs: | 2 | - | Davis Sharpe vs Presbyterian College (Mar 10, 2020) |
Total bases: | 8 | - | Kier Meredith at South Carolina (Feb 28, 2020) |
8 | - | Davis Sharpe vs Presbyterian College (Mar 10, 2020) | |
Walks: | 3 | - | Dylan Brewer vs Boston College (Mar 07, 2020) |
Strikeouts: | 3 | - | (5 times ) |
Sac hits: | 1 | - | (5 times ) |
Sac flies: | 2 | - | Bryar Hawkins vs South Carolina (Mar 01, 2020) |
Stolen bases: | 2 | - | Elijah Henderson vs Stony Brook (Feb 21, 2020) |
Hit by pitch: | 2 | - | Mac Starbuck vs Liberty (Feb 15, 2020) |
Caught stealing: | 1 | - | (5 times ) |
Runners LOB: | 5 | - | Mac Starbuck vs Furman (Feb 19, 2020) |
5 | - | Bo Majkowski vs Boston College (Mar 06, 2020) |
Putouts: | 19 | - | Adam Hackenberg vs Stony Brook (Feb 21, 2020) |
Assists: | 6 | - | James Parker vs Winthrop (Mar 11, 2020) |
Errors: | 2 | - | Sam Hall vs Liberty (Feb 14, 2020) |
2 | - | Chad Fairey vs Liberty (Feb 14, 2020) | |
Passed balls: | 1 | - | Adam Hackenberg vs Liberty (Feb 16, 2020) |
1 | - | Adam Hackenberg vs South Carolina (Feb 29, 2020 at Columbia, S.C.) |
Innings pitched: | 7.0 | - | Sam Weatherly at South Carolina (Feb 28, 2020) |
Runs allowed: | 4 | - | (4 times ) |
Earned runs: | 4 | - | (4 times ) |
Walks allowed: | 6 | - | Sam Weatherly vs Liberty (Feb 14, 2020) |
Strikeouts: | 14 | - | Sam Weatherly vs Stony Brook (Feb 21, 2020) |
Hits allowed: | 6 | - | Mack Anglin vs East Tennessee State (Feb 25, 2020) |
6 | - | Davis Sharpe vs South Carolina (Feb 29, 2020 at Columbia, S.C.) | |
6 | - | Davis Sharpe vs Boston College (Mar 07, 2020) | |
Doubles allowed: | 3 | - | Sam Weatherly vs Boston College (Mar 06, 2020) |
Triples allowed: | 1 | - | Davis Sharpe vs South Carolina (Feb 29, 2020 at Columbia, S.C.) |
1 | - | Davis Sharpe vs Boston College (Mar 07, 2020) | |
Homers allowed: | 2 | - | Keyshawn Askew vs Coll. of Charleston (Mar 04, 2020) |
Wild pitches: | 1 | - | (5 times ) |
Hit batters: | 2 | - | Sam Weatherly vs Liberty (Feb 14, 2020) |
2 | - | Sam Weatherly vs Stony Brook (Feb 21, 2020) | |
2 | - | Carter Raffield vs South Carolina (Feb 29, 2020 at Columbia, S.C.) |